2 years runningKaleb placed 2nd last year in 4th grade science fair at school, and went on to County. His project was called "Homerun" he wanted to know what kind of bat would hit the baseball the farthest:wood or aluminum.

They only take 5 kids from each school to County. When you go to County you get a free shirt, a "day off" of school (he still has to make up some of the work) and lunch at John's Incredible Pizza...oh and a chance to place at County. Last year he didn't place and he was pretty bummed.

Well this year Kaleb placed 2nd out of all the 5th graders at the Science Fair at school, and he went on to County and this year...he placed 2nd at County in Materials and Consumer Science. (plus the shirt and pizza and stuff). This year his project was called "Hot Pockets". He wanted to see what would heat up and retain the heat the longest in a heating pad:sand, rice or beans. Ask him what he found out.

It was fun for him to have Grandma and Grandpa Kingston here to watch him get his award. On the way home he told me now he has alot of pressure to do well in 6th grade so he can go at least 3 for 3. :)
Great job Kaleb, we are proud of you for working so hard!
1 comment:
Awesome job Kaleb! That is really cool that he already wants to start preparing for next year. Hope you guys are having a great Christmas! We miss ya!:)
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